by Cheryl Rofer
We've had another overnight snowstorm, for which last week's photo will probably suffice. Most of last week's snow melted during the week, but now it's back. A bit of blue sky showing toward the north, but they say that another storm is coming in. The worst part of all this snow is that Tuesday is garbage day, and my garbage can now contains three weeks' worth.
The good side is next spring's wildflowers and we're past the solstice, so the days are getting longer, which should be noticeable when the clouds clear.
A couple of photos I couldn't resist today.
Brought to us by the editorial board of the New York Times, who caption it an odd moment in history. That's Belgrade 1999, from left to right
Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, who was later charged with war crimes but died before his trial ended; the Rev. Jesse Jackson; and U.S. Rep. Rod Blagojevich, who is now governor of Illinois and facing federal corruption charges for allegedly trying to sell Barack Obama’s vacant Senate seat, among other things.
And now here's something that's more fun, especially for those of us dealing with snow.
Those are peace pandas being sent from China to Taiwan.