by CKR
Reactor Photos
Overhead Photos
Once again, the photos are from Moon of Alabama, and you can enlarge them by clicking on them. [4/27/08: All photos included.]
This gets more, er, interesting, since I don't have Paul's nice software, and I'm hardly an expert on Photoshop.
What I have tried to do here is to orient all the photos of the Box in the same direction. That is the first necessary step before anyone can make any sense of them. I invite readers to try their hand at further interpretation.
I am keying on a few features in particular. We can see two of them in the 6:31 remaining time photo (all times given will be remaining times, as MoA has designated them that way): the bluff just to the east of the box, which I will maintain at the top of the photos. The right-hand corner shows the area of what has been labeled the pipeline from the pumping station on the Euphrates. In this photo, we see only the curved cleared area around the edge of a bluff that leads into the pipeline.
The 4:36 photo appears to be the same one in a slightly different orientation. Note the shapes of the shadows and the small shapes to the right of the Box.
The first photo of the bombed Box (4:34) is presented upside down relative to these first two in the CIA video. It shows the third feature that I am keying on, the bunker-like structure that throws a rectangular shadow in the lower right-hand corner of this photo. It can be identified in the first two photos by a small triangular shadow at its lower left-hand edge.
The next photo of the bombed Box (2:54) is also upside down and skewed. [This needs to be tilted about 45 degrees clockwise to fit the first two.]
Same for the one showing the tarpaulins.
The 2:45 photo returns to the original orientation.
But then we return to upside down and cockeyed for the 1:54 photo. [I am putting this one in untilted to the proper orientation because it seems that TypePad won't accept my tilted photo. But from this orientation, it should be tilted about 45 degrees clockwise to agree with the others.]
And back to rightside up but cockeyed for 1:49. [Again, tilt this one about 45 degrees clockwise to line up.]
Similar orientation for the construction of the new building (1:30). [45 degrees clockwise for this one, too.]
And I'll be darned if I can figure out the orientation of this one.