by CKR
E-mail messages are disappearing in northern New Mexico. I'm wondering how widespread this problem is. I know it's not just happening to me.
It's been going on for several months now. E-mails just disappear. They don't turn up in spam filters. It's not confined to a single service provider. And it seems to happen in waves. One of them was from Friday last week (March 21) through Tuesday this week (March 25).
It's difficult, of course, to know what you're not seeing in your e-mail inbox. But people call or e-mail again to ask why you didn't tell them about a meeting or respond to their recent e-mail.
So here's what I know about how this recent outage affected me.
I know of one e-mail that was sent last Friday that didn't reach me. Another that I sent out to four recipients was not received by just one of those recipients; the other three got it. Another was sent to me Tuesday that I didn't receive. And I think there was one other, but I don't recall the details. The providers that were involved were Earthlink, Comcast, Cybermesa, MSN, and one other I'm not sure of.
Others have told me that they have had the same problem. I have complained to my provider, but it's hard to tell what they're doing about it, if anything. They take the usual tech support approach: it must be all my fault, and will I please go through their checklist under their supervision so that they can check the boxes for their supervisor.
Are any of our readers experiencing this? Can you give specifics: time, provider, etc.? Please respond in the comments or to me: crofer [at] gmail [dot] com.